HDPI Blog (High Definition Per Inch)
2010: Geo/VI Matrix Magazine and Stichting Arbeidsmarkt Geo interviewed me and colleague Bart Beers about our jobs. Read the article in the special issue named Geo in Business on the current labour economics in the geo-information sector, or online.
2010: GIS Magazine interviewed me about GlobeSpotter. Read the article in issue 2010 #1, or online.
2009: Oracle published the article mentioned below also in a Russian magazine. A demo of work completed at CycloMedia can be found on YouTube.
2008: Oracle published my article Authorizing Access to Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Data. There is also a Korean and a Chinese version available.
2007: I started as Product Manager within the Technology Concepts and Propositions department at CycloMedia, the leader in large-scale, systematic visualisations of environments.
2007: I completed the education programme Content and Knowledge Engineering (CKE) at Utrecht University that resulted in the degree Master of Science in Information Science with a thesis project on Authorized access to dynamic spatial-temporal data using the Truman Model
'80s: I witnessed the event of birth. The exact date was later described as A Blast that Still Echoes.